Georgia Tech Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development


Seeks to create and apply a balanced approach to regional growth through research and collaboration with a wide range of partners.


The Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development (CQGRD) is committed to advancing the theory and practice of quality growth through research, dissemination, and implementation of innovative ideas and technologies. By evaluating policies, planning practices, and technologies that promote quality growth, CQGRD advocates for responsible and efficient solutions. Collaborating with a diverse array of partners including governmental, legal, health, engineering, and nonprofit entities, CQGRD strives to create and promote a new vision for communities at various scales. With over 24 years of experience, the center's work has evolved to address global trends while continuing to serve communities in the Southeastern United States through research, education, and outreach efforts. By fostering partnerships across governmental, academic, commercial, and cultural sectors, CQGRD aims to develop and implement a balanced vision for regional growth.

Associated Colleges

College of Design

Associated Schools

School of City & Regional Planning